How to ‘Halloween’ in Islington
Halloween is upon us. As ghouls and ghosts come out to play, Islington looks towards a weekend full of spookery. But for those of us running a bit late with planning the weekend, St John Street News has explored a few opportunities nearby. From last-minute costume options to where the best Halloween pub-shows take place, this is Halloween in Islington.
Still time to carve a pumpkin.
Fortunately, Halloween has become such a familiar thing in the UK that by now most supermarkets, like Sainsbury’s or Tesco, stock big bright orange pumpkins leading up to Halloween. Whilst Waitrose in Angel only sells big ones for £3, Sainsbury’s next door has a whole range of decorative pumpkins. For the same price as Waitrose you can get the “Monster Pumpkin” with plenty of surface space for creativity to unfold. Or for £2.50, the “Freak Pumpkin” complementary with warts and growths can add a bit of extra gore to your Jack O’Lantern. If you’re looking for a more subtle decoration, Sainsbury’s also sells £1 mini-pumpkins that are suitable as small lanterns as well as for using in cooking. However, if you are concerned about the environment and the impact of so many pumpkins each Halloween, stop by Planet Organic on Essex Road and pick up one of their organic pumpkins instead. A bit smaller and more expensive than the “Monster Pumpkin”, but with added ethicality.
Say Yes to the (zombie bride) dress
One of the many great things about living in London is the great amount of vintage shops, which can be found throughout the city. Luckily, Islington and the area around Angel station is home to a wide variety of thrift shops and markets. If you’re looking to go as someone who died on the ’80s dance floor, look no further than Camden Passage. Here you can also find shops that sells old army equipment from around the World for your Royal Air Force zombie pilot look. Finally, if you’re looking for an actual put-together costume, Mad World Costume Hire in Tabernacle Street near Old Street tube station can supply to all your Halloween needs – and they cater to online customers too.

You don’t have to leave Islington to find the spook!
Everything from a party to display your costume to getting in the scary mood, our local area is full of Hallowe’en special events. If you prefer spending Halloween in a low-key (but nonetheless spooky) atmosphere, The New Rose on Essex Road is “scared to present” Hitchcock cinema nights between Friday 27th and Tuesday 31st October. Barrio Angel dressed up on Saturday 28th October in full on Dia De Los Muertos-style and The World’s End in Finsbury Park is hosting a Harry Potter’s quiz night on Sunday.