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The evolution of Exmouth Market
Visiting Exmouth Market today, it’s easy to see how it won the Great Street Award in the UK and Ireland in 2011 but it looked very different 25 years ago…
Video: Vegan – Can you taste the difference?
Veganism is an increasingly popular lifestyle choice all over the world. With some estimates predicting that the number of vegans in the UK will reach 55% of the population by
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Turner & George: The new butcher’s on the block
This week in our series St John Street At Work, we grilled James George, co-founder of the newly opened butcher’s shop Turner & George
Invasion of the concept cafés
European and American café culture has been invading the UK slowly but surely for quite some time. Inspired by TV shows such as Friends, Britons too started hanging out in coffee
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The Blacksmith & The Toffeemaker: Tradition with a makeover
Next in our St John Street At Work series is The Blacksmith & The Toffeemaker. We talked to B&T’s Brooke Streatfield who has lived in the area all her life
Takeaway Islington: 305 fast food outlets and a healthy eating campaign
Local residents are not short of places to buy convenience food but what are the implications for their health?
Video: Fast food in the city – quick and cheap over healthy?
The college student and the fast food meal – it’s a common story, taking place at campuses around the country every day. But why choose quick over healthy? We asked around
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Early morning meat: a trip through Smithfield Market’s historic halls
Smithfield Market is the UK’s oldest wholesale meat market, dating back to the 12th century. Yannic Rack set his alarm and paid an early morning visit