Reel Islington: Q&A with director Dave Lojek Hek Tick Tack _ Tobias_Text_5 laurels_1080 Full view

Reel Islington: Q&A with director Dave Lojek

Dave Lojek is one of the directors that entered into this year’s Reel Islington Film Festival Short Film Awards under the theme ‘Home is where I want to be…’, screening this Friday (February 28). He tells us about his latest film and what he’s up to next in the next of our festival series
Dave Lojek at work
Dave Lojek at work
1) How long have you been pursuing a career in film?

I have been directing short films since 2005. I’ve also worked as a poet and creative writing mentor for many years.

2)  How did you get into filmmaking?

Before my film career I graduated with an MA degree in English and Cultural Studies from Humboldt University Berlin. My thesis dealt with cyberfiction and the film ‘The Matrix’.

I found a leaflet saying “Shoot, cut & go” in 2005. It promoted the KinoKabaret, which I joined. Now I am the most experienced “kinoite” on the planet, I suppose.

The little that I know about practical filmmaking came to me via autodidactic training in 17 cities in 10 European countries while making the 120+ movies you find in my filmography.

3) What do you consider to be your biggest success?

My biggest success would be the films that get selected for more than five festivals and get broadcast, win awards, or gain more than 5,000 clicks.

I try to cater to many tastes. A friend recently asked me for my favourite films, so I listed the top 15 – they were all done within two to five days, from idea to the cinema premiere, without preparation or any budget and using amateur or student cast and crews. Filming for the fun of it.

A poster for 'HEK TICK TACK'
A poster for ‘HEK TICK TACK’

4) Can you tell me about the film you submitted to the festival? 

HEK TICK TACK examines the miniature crackdown of a patient man under the pressure of time and a demanding girlfriend. The screenplay came from a young rebel that begged me to make a film with him, because he adores my style. The idea behind the film is just a little exercise with slapstick and the challenge of creating the film without preparation, time or budget, as are all my movies. I got lucky with the cast and crew.

We shot the comedy in Graz, Austria, for the first KinoKabaret, with a crew of volunteers that I assembled one day before the shooting. Two days of filming in the flat; three days of editing, music composition and sound mixing.

5) Do you have any connections to Islington in particular?

Not really. But who knows? If you find my type of film appealing, join Kino London or Filmonik Manchester or Kino D Dublin, to name just three of the 70 cells in the world! Amazing talent hubs. You might even end up in one of my crews.

6) What are your plans for the near future?

As you will notice immediately, many of my films lack a certain message and depth or honesty. They are too light, random and playful, so the commercial festivals ignore them. Many peers have advised me to “make the next step” into longer and more demanding genres and subjects, better work with actors, that would require more preparation and time.But I seem to procrastinate and revel in the luxury of ignorance and freedom. I have begun to plan my travels for this year and might discover new KinoKabarets and actors in Innsbruck and Moscow, because I advised the people there how to organise such an event.Furthermore I am waiting for new screenplays submitted to my contest. Finally, I will attend many international festivals with my films and watch tons of commercial press screenings, because I just love the escapism of movie theatres.My own KinoKabaret commences on August 30, so I am gathering interns in Berlin to prepare the event, find sponsors, design posters and so on.If you want to catch Dave’s film HEK TICK TACK at the festival on Friday, you can book tickets for the Short Film Awards, which will take place from 8-9pm at Resource For London, 356 Holloway Road, hereYou can also watch the film online.


Written by Yannic Rack

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